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Michael N AgugomAgugomMichaelAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: mna87@txstate.eduLAMP 309G(512) 245-6219
Ben AustinAustinBenjaminAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: bma82@txstate.eduFH M02(512) 245-7666
Dr. Deb BalzhiserBalzhiserDeborahShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssociate ProfessorEmail: dbalzhiser@txstate.eduASBN ASBN 101(512) 245-7660
Andrew C BartonBartonAndrewAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: acb134@txstate.eduFH 233(512) 245-6169
Dr. John M BlairBlairJohnUniversity Distinguished ProfessorEmail: jblair@txstate.eduFH 216(512) 245-3722
Dr. Lauren BrentnellBrentnellLaurenThey/Them/Theirs/ThemselvesAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: brentnell@txstate.edu0600 203(512) 245-3018
Dr. Zoe M Bursztajn-IllingworthBursztajn-IllingworthZoeAssistant ProfessorEmail: zillingworth@txstate.eduFlowers Hall 132
Dr. Joanna CollinsCollinsJoannaAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: jcollins@txstate.eduASBN 100(512) 245-3018
Taylor D CortesiCortesiTaylorAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: tc1224@txstate.eduFH 352(512) 245-2163
Jay Cruz Jr.CruzJesusAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: j_c649@txstate.eduNUEC 234(512) 245-6169
Dr. Christopher DayleyDayleyChristopherAssistant ProfessorEmail: chris.dayley@txstate.eduFH 133(512) 245-2163
Cory M DeBoestDeBoestCoryAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: cd1452@txstate.eduFH 217(512) 245-2163
Rachel M DonalsonDonalsonRachelAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: rmd138@txstate.eduLAMP 309B(512) 245-6214
Dr. Denae DyckDyckDenaeAssistant ProfessorEmail: denae.dyck@txstate.eduFlowers Hall 247(512) 245-3822
Anthony J EdsallEdsallAnthonyAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: aje61@txstate.eduFH 138(512) 245-3731
Dr. Laura L Ellis-LaiEllis-LaiLauraProfessor of InstructionEmail: ellislai@txstate.eduFH 245(512) 245-2163
William R FeelerFeelerWilliamAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: wf1044@txstate.eduFH 106(512) 245-3017
Dr. Geneva M GanoGanoGenevaShe/Her/Hers/HerselfProfessorEmail: gmgano@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-7698
Stephanie M GrossmanGrossmanStephanieAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: stephgrossman@txstate.eduLAMP 309H(512) 245-6220
Jayson GuestGuestJaysonThey/Them/Theirs/ThemselvesAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: jguest@txstate.eduLAMP LAMP 301(512) 245-6219
Kale HensleyHensleyKaleyAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: klh305@txstate.eduLAMP 309G(512) 245-6219
Mark M HernandezHernandezMarkAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: mmh219@txstate.eduFH 219(512) 245-8026
Matthew L HudsonHudsonMatthewAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: matt.hudson@txstate.eduFH 309C(512) 245-6215
William JensenJensenWilliamAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: wj13@txstate.eduBRAZ BRAZOS 220(512) 245-0351
Vanessa A JohnsonJohnsonVanessaAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: vj1034@txstate.eduFH 116(512) 245-2515
Kathryn A KaneKaneKathrynThey/Them/Theirs/ThemselvesAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: kathryn.kane@txstate.eduLAMP 309G(512) 245-6219
Jeffrey G KarrKarrJeffreyAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: jgk33@txstate.eduFH 138(512) 245-2322
Kayla KingKingKaylaShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: kjk134@txstate.eduLAMP 309D(512) 245-2163
Lindy M KosmitisKosmitisLindyProfessor of InstructionEmail: lk21@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-2163
Darrell W Limuel Jr.LimuelDarrellAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: dwl43@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-2163
Christopher K MargraveMargraveChristopherAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: cm85@txstate.eduASBN 353(512) 245-2163
Jessica M MartinezMartinezJessicaAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: jmm660@txstate.eduFH 134(512) 245-3717
McKenna N MayMayMcKennaAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: mickey.may@txstate.eduFH M07(512) 245-7667
Whitney S MayMayWhitneyShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: wm1104@txstate.eduLAMP 309B(512) 245-6214
Dr. Kathleen McClancyMcClancyKathleenAssociate ProfessorEmail: kmcclancy@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-3777
Robert P MeadorMeadorRobertAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: r_m445@txstate.eduLAMP 305(512) 245-6212
Kamron J MehrinfarMehrinfarKamronAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: kjm2@txstate.eduLAMP 309E(512) 245-6217
Dr. Amanda MixonMixonAmandaAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: am1993@txstate.eduFH M08(512) 245-2163
Dr. Debra MonroeMonroeDebraProfessor
Jacob W MooreMooreJacobAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: jwm131@txstate.eduLAMP 301(512) 245-6210
Dr. Susan S MorrisonMorrisonSusanRegents' ProfessorEmail: morrison@txstate.eduFH M12(512) 245-7669
Bianca PerezPerezBiancaAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: bperez@txstate.eduFH 309B(512) 245-7681
Maryann PernaPernaMaryannAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: m_p88@txstate.eduFH 215(512) 245-3723
Danny W PetersPetersDannyAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: dwp2@txstate.eduFH 141(512) 245-3731
Francine A PilkingtonPilkingtonFrancineAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: fp02@txstate.eduFH 238(512) 245-3734
Dr. Octavio PimentelPimentelOctavioProfessorEmail: octavio.pimentel@txstate.eduFH FLOWERS HALL 215(512) 245-3723
Cassie A PolasekPolasekCassieAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: 245-7657
Paige E PowellPowellPaigeAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: pep42@txstate.eduLAMP 309B(512) 245-6214
Rebekah J ProfferProfferRebekahShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: rjp87@txstate.eduFH M02(512) 245-7666
Tiffany D RaineyRaineyTiffanyShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: tiffany.rainey@txstate.eduLAMP 309C(512) 245-6215
Dr. Sara A RamirezRamirezSaraShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssistant ProfessorEmail: 245-3718
Benjamin A ReedReedBenjaminAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: ben-reed@txstate.eduFH 215(512) 245-7668
Rich ริชชี่ RiddleRiddleRichardHe/Him/His/HimselfAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: richriddle@txstate.eduFH M11(512) 245-3823
Jennifer A RiegelRiegelJenniferAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: alexis.riegel@txstate.eduFH M07(512) 245-7667
Dr. Sarah K RobbleeRobbleeSarahAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: fad33@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-2163
Richard RobertsonRobertsonRichardAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: rr1427@txstate.eduFH 360(512) 245-5273
Sean G RoseRoseSeanAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: sgr24@txstate.eduLAMP 309G(512) 245-6219
Dr. Aimee K RoundtreeRoundtreeAimeeAsst VP, Rsch & Fed RelationsEmail: akr@txstate.eduJCK 420(512) 245-2314
Edward A SchaeferSchaeferEdwardAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: es46@txstate.eduBrazos 206B(512) 245-3723
Amanda E ScottScottAmandaAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: aes126@txstate.eduLAMP 309 H(512) 245-6220
Shannon S ShawShawShannonAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: ss54997@txstate.eduLAMP 304(512) 245-6211
Laura SimsSimsLauraShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: lsims@txstate.eduLAMP 309F(512) 245-6218
Dr. Nithya SivashankarSivashankarNithyaAssistant ProfessorEmail: nithya.s@txstate.eduFlowers Hall 249(512) 245-3718
Dr. Elizabeth Skerpan-WheelerSkerpan-WheelerElizabethShe/Her/Hers/HerselfProfessorEmail: 245-3727
Dr. Victoria L SmithSmithVictoriaChair - Associate ProfessorEmail: vlsmith@txstate.eduFH 365(512) 245-3010
Lindsay SternSternLindsayAssistant ProfessorEmail: lindsay.stern@txstate.eduFH M24(512) 245-3777
Cedric C SynnestvedtSynnestvedtCedricAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: cs1855@txstate.eduFH 251(512) 245-3821
Blake A VanderLindVanderLindBlakeAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: bav32@txstate.eduFH 210(512) 245-3738
Eric L WallensteinWallensteinEricAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: ew1207@txstate.eduFH 214(512) 245-3717
Terrance D WedinWedinTerranceAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: sqy9@txstate.eduFH 217(512) 245-2163
Sandra J WelchWelchSandraAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: sjs190@txstate.eduFH M07(512) 245-7667
Dr. Graeme A Wend-WalkerWend-WalkerGraemeAssociate ProfessorEmail: graeme@txstate.eduFH 240(512) 245-7883
Connor P WilsonWilsonConnorAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: cw1515@txstate.eduFH 251(512) 245-7688
Dr. Nancy A WilsonWilsonNancyAssociate ProfessorEmail: nancywilson@txstate.eduFH 360(512) 245-5273
Naomi A WilsonWilsonNaomiAsst Professor of InstructionEmail: naw96@txstate.eduLAMP 309D(512) 245-2163
Anne E WinchellWinchellAnneShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssoc Professor of InstructionEmail: winchell@txstate.eduLAMP 309F(512) 245-6218